Friday, May 20, 2011

Financial Fitness

As a new Stay at Home Mom and Small Business Owner, my relationship with money has changed drastically over the past year.  I have to be more calculating and creative with the way I allocate my dollars and recognize how this new correlation is affecting me.

Yes, even our finances can affect our health and wellness.  Let’s face it, money does not equal happiness, but it does give us options.  We need to make wise financial decisions and clear up previous monetary mistakes.  Undesirable financial situations can weigh heavily upon us and take a toll on our mental and emotional well-being.  This ultimately affects our sense of balance and may also affect our physical and spiritual wellness.

We want to give our children the best, teach them to use money wisely, & have enough left over to treat ourselves to something nice.  Check out this great resource that I use to keep me financially fit:

A Community of Women who talk Money.

“In early 2009, Amanda Steinberg founded DailyWorth to build a trusted platform for women to learn about money management. DailyWorth was born out of a shocking realization that we women need solid advice – dished up in their own language – to get on top of our personal finances and work toward what we like to call “money harmony”.

But beyond the tactical steps to move the needle in your bank account, DailyWorth seeks to empower women around the topic of finance—to replace the negative, defeated thoughts with positive, empowering ones—by providing an open and honest community of women who talk money. DailyWorth has become the leading website connecting thousands of women nationwide—from all walks of life—around their money.”taken directly from the About page of DailyWorth

Know Your Worth!


  1. Interesting read, my goal this year was to clear up what you referred to as past monetary mistakes, I have done well with this task and I am managing to stay on task of completing it by December.

  2. Stephanie, that's wonderful. Many times we just live with the mistakes instead of doing the work it takes to improve our situation. A little discipline goes a long way. Getting your finances in order is worth the effort. Thanks!


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